Sunday 9 October 2011

Biology revision

I revised biology yesterday and struggling to remember all these long biological words and here is my explanation of what I remember from yesterday. At least, this is how I understood it.

There are two types of cells; Eup----- cells have a nucleus and P---- cells don't have it. The latter cell is more simple than Eup----- cells.
In the nucleus, there is a nucliolus which makes ridosomes. The nucleus has and envelope membrane which means it has two membranes that surrounds it. Endoplasm reticulum is connected to the nucleus. There are two types of endoplasm reticulum; rough endoplasm reticulum (RER) and smooth rendoplasm reticulum (SER). RER makes protein that is pinched off and taken to the golgi body to be synthesised into another chemical so that it can be used in other parts of the body. SER makes lipids and steroids. The difference between RER and SER is that RER has ribosomes around it which makes it look rough. SER doesn't have ribosomes so it looks smooth. Endoplasm reticulum has only one membrane.
Mitochondria has double membranes. Mitochondria contains strands of DNA and some ribosomes. Inside of a mitochondrion, there is a fluid called matrix.
Lysosomes contain a digestive substance and it is used to digest bacteria when a white blood cell contains the bacteria in a vesicle, or when the cell needs to self destruct, or when other cells need to be destroyed.
Cytoskeleton is a cobwebby thing that is made of protein that is used to put all the organelles in place and keep the cell in shape.
Ribosomes are small vesicles and the function is to produce protein?
The cell membrane allows some substances to pass through and some not.

that's all I can remember.
Now I'll check for mistakes...

The cell that has a nucleus is called an Eukaryotic cell.
The cell that doesn't have a nucleus is called a Prokaryotic cell.
There is a Nucleolus in the nucleus. ER is Endoplasmic reticulum.
The area inside the endoplasmic reticulum is called cisterna.
The fluid inside a cell is called cytoplasm.

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